Birth Defects can be Prevented?

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Pregnancy is a very sensitive time for women and also for the baby because there are several possible complications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has even said that in every 33 babies, there is always one case of birth defect. The possibility of birth defects has made women worry about their baby’s development and health. The National Birth Defects Prevention Network seeks to help women get all the information they need to prevent their child from developing birth defects. It was found through the help of research that antidepressants affect the baby’s head size.

The CDC has even provided ways that can be taken by women to avoid birth problems that could endanger their child’s life. Birth defects usually occur during the first three months of pregnancy; for this reason, women are encouraged to watch what they eat, drink and do during these critical months. Medications are not encouraged by obstetricians to be taken during pregnancy because they are seen to cause some birth defects too. Not all birth defects may be prevented, especially those that are hereditary but there are some types of defects that may be prevented. The causes of some birth defects are still unknown.

Folic acid was seen to prevent neural tube defects. Neural tube defects are very serious birth problems in the brain and spinal cord that may even cause death of the newborn. Research has determined that anencephaly and spina bifida are the most common type of neural tube defects. Taking folic acid which is vitamin B9 should be taken before and during pregnancy. Taking vitamins that has vitamin B or eating liver, egg yolk, soya products and potatoes may help prevent neural tube defects. Increasing the immune response of women may also prevent infections that could cause complications.

Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages would also lead to birth defects. Children born from women who drink (for intoxication) have been seen to develop fetal alcohol syndrome. This syndrome is identified for the growth retardation, central nervous system problems and distinct facial features. The alcohol crosses the blood-placenta barrier; thus, the baby also takes in amounts of alcohol. Smoking does not only cause birth defects but also premature birth and death; for this reason doctors advise their patients to quit smoking when they are planning to conceive. Medications were also seen to cause some birth defects. Researchers are now trying to determine if Zoloft birth defects are possible when taking Zoloft and other antidepressants.

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